Website is currently under construction. Some things will not be shown, like picture examples on the commission page. Prices are set though. If you'd like to see my art to see how I draw, please feel free to pop on over to my Twitch, Instagram and/or Twitter. ♥
Thank you for your patience!

Freelance Painter | Concept Artist Illustrator | 3D Artist.

Meow! I am Samantha Bruce, or Aerie or Ayriphyl! ☻♥I am a silly derpy neurodivergent woman who loves to draw and play video games. If I am not doing that, I am playing with my wonderful tiny humans or meowing at my husband.

When you purchase art from me, you are helping my family and helping to get the surgeries I need for my medical conditions, and I appreciate that from the bottom of my heart.
That makes you the real MVP. ♥

Commission Info

The following prices are for character artwork without a detailed background.They are digital, and you will receive a 300DPI PNG file of your finished piece sent to you by email or through Discord.These prices are for personal use artwork only. All prices are base prices - any complex character design, e.g. armour, additional items/weapons, more then one character, NSFW, etc, will add to your price/quote.

I do many styles of art. If you'd like a different type of style then my own(anime, caricature, etc), please add that in, along with an example so I can price accordingly. ♥Please contact me if you'd like landscapes or something different.

If you are wanting commercial work done, please contact me.



A very sketch-like drawing with monochromatic minimal shading.
Cheaper options for sketches is no shading at all:

Minimal Colour

Minimal colour and details:
BUST UP - $110 USD | HALF BODY - $140 USD | FULL BODY - $190 USD

Premium Colour

A full painted style that pays attention to detail, lighting, and textures:
BUST UP - $190 USD | HALF BODY - $215 USD | FULL BODY - $250 USD

Character Sheets

Character sheets start off at $300 USD and come with:
♥ one full body minimal colour ($190USD)
♥ one bust up minimal colour ($110USD)
♥ one bust up sketch-like ($65USD)
♥ small designed BG like below

(I use red-ish tones, but can be changed to a different colour if you prefer)
You can add extra items or change somethings up to replace each piece as well, depending on what you are wanting.Adding more will be extra, but will be discounted the more you add.

Twitch & Discord Emotes

Emotes are $35 per emote. If you buy more then 5, you get a discount and they turn into $30 per emote.Animated emotes are $50 each for a simple animation. Detailed animations will be more.


Coming soon! ♥

Terms & Conditions

These are my ToS, before anything happens(payment and artwork) you will need to read these and comply within the terms. To help you, here is a short form to run through before you contact me, however I recommend you to read the FULL ToS before you commission me.

**- I WILL NOT DRAW: Anything that depicts children in a wrongful way(getting hurt, etc), racism (More to come if I think of more things)
- I WILL DRAW: SFW, NSFW, and almost anything, unless I state otherwise.
-> You will get a Hi-Res 300 DPI and 3k Pixels digital file. You will also get a 1k Pixels picture to post on Social Media. Traditional works will be discussed in messages.-> I require a non-refundable HALF DEPOSIT flat-fee up front before any work is started, the rest will need to be given before final product is given. Payment Method is PayPal! Digital Files will be given through email(or Discord if you would like), traditional through mail(or discussed).-> You have all rights to your OCs(Original Characters), etc, however you are NOT ALLOWED to sell any of it, unless you purchase a commercial use license. You NEED to credit me and not call this as your own.-> As the artist, I may use your work in my portfolio and website, etc. However unless stated and asked, I will not sell OCs of any sort.-> You agree that my style is my style, and unless otherwise stated, you get that. You have a very limited amount of times you can change things, which is why I will show very low-res sketches to help you make sure I am on the right track. If you ask a whole picture to be re-done, depending, I will either charge extra, or I will get you to repay the whole thing over again as it will be a brand new picture.-> Payment is non-refundable. If you refuse the work given, you have given up ALL rights to the artwork, and I will be able to do what I want with it.-> You agree that I am not responsible for any damages that can occur. If I, myself, cannot finish the artwork because of medical issues(or family), depending, I will refund HALF and give you the reason why.By reading the FULL ToS, you are agreeing with all of this. Of course, if you have any questions, please email me here: [email protected]

This is a TERMS AND CONDITIONS by Samantha Bruce - Ayriphyl("Artist") to YOU("Commissioner") .WORK. Commissioner("YOU") retains Artist("ME") to create Work; includes only the final, deliverable art, and not any preliminary work or sketches. However, Commissioner will be shown low-res sketches to make sure the work requested is on track. HI-RES digital art is 300 DPI and over 3k Pixels(at least). Traditional work will be discussed for sizing, etc.PRICE AND DELIVERY. There is a non-refundable HALF DEPOSIT flat-fee for the commissioned Work and needs to be paid UP FRONT before any sketches are shown. Payment must be made IN FULL before the final work is delivered to the Commissioner. Payment method is PayPal. Work is to be delivered within 24 hours by whatever means that is discussed(traditional by mail, digital by email), but Commissioner agrees that the date of delivery is not material to this Agreement.**GRANT OF RIGHTS. **Commissioner has all rights to their intellectual property. Commissioned work may NOT be used for commericial OR resold unless specifically purchased as a commerical-use. Artist agrees that Work is produced with the intent it be unique and will not seek to resell or publish Work, except as noted below.ARTIST'S RIGHT TO AUTHORSHIP CREDIT. Artist may use Work in Artist's portfolio (including, but not limited to, any website that displays Artist's works). Commissioner and Artist agree that when asked, Commissioner must properly identify Artist as the creator of Work. Commissioner does have a proactive duty to display Artist's name together with Work(and linking back to website or social media), Commissioner may not seek to mislead others that Work was created by anyone other than Artist.COMMISSIONER ACCEPTS ARTIST'S CREATIVE VISION. Commissioner agrees that Artist will complete Work in Artist's creative style at Artist's sole discretion, or if asked in a specific style per agreement. If Commissioner refuses to receive Work or demands Work be redone, it is understood and agreed that Commissioner is cancelling the Agreement, and no fee will be refunded.CANCELLATION, AND EXPIRATION. The fee for Work is non-refundable once fully completed. If Commissioner nonetheless does not want or refuses to receive Work, Artist may decide whether or not to complete Work(if applicable), and will exclusively retain all right to Work. This Offer automatically expires upon 48 hours of being made and may not then be accepted. This Offer expires if it is verbally or through writing (including, but not limited to, by e-mail or text chat) withdrawn by Artist.**LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. **Commissioner agrees that Artist will not be liable for any damages (including, but not limited to, incidental or consequential damages), that arise from Artist's performance of this commission (including, but not limited to, failure to perform in a timely manner, regardless of whether the failure was intentional or negligent.). If Artist cannot finish Work in time for emergency situations (ie: Family, etc), Artist will give a HALF refund and a written statement.By reading this and a payment or invoice has been sent to you, you have mandatory agreed upon these terms and conditions. If any questions are in need of answering, please email me here, before accepting all the terms and conditions: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]
Discord: Ayriphyl